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mob. +38 067 34-30-817,
+380 67 34-35-321
e-mail: iv.torf@ukr.net
Englishspeaker if.torf@ukr.net

The company history started in 1900.
While the company is engaged in mining block peat, used as fuel.
- In 1932 the proprietors of Valley organized peat production of insulation panels and peat litter for cattle. Peat litter zapresovuvaly combination and implemented not only in Ukraine, and were sent to Poland, Denmark, Holland.
- In 1958 began production of peat complex machines (layered layout): double drum pin-2 (SBSH 2) Equipment milling (VB 9.6), the swath universal milling (VUV-2) torfozbyralna machine (UMPF-4), shtabelyuyucha machine (RP-6).
- In 1996, one of the first in Ukraine has grown by privatization of the state in Joint Stock Company. From this moment begins the countdown to the new company. Definitely a course for improving product quality, improving packaging design, expansion of marketing. Development of new products. Company begins to supply peat to foreign markets. With a view to the development of the markets in Eastern Europe, the company creates a joint Ukrainian-Slovak company "Ukrslovtorf." The cooperation with the Swedish company "MASTERS MEDERNA", the result of which was to establish lines for screening of peat and its compression into bales (BIG BALE).
- In 1998, the company develops the production of that lump of peat used as fuel for household needs.
- In 1999, he directed all intellectual and technical resources for the development of new packaging peat. The result of this activity is the production of molded products in 300l. bags and packaged products in 5L, 8L, 20L, 40l. and 80l. plastic bags. Parallel work for the market development in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, studying consumer demand for peat and torfoproduktsiyu. The result of this work - the development of production block light peat and substrates on a black and light peat.
- In 2000, based on field "Under Bohr" built modern factory for the manufacture of substrates. Factory equipment includes a Czech company «AGRO CS» and Italian «B & C»
- In 2005, at the Swedish line «MASTERS MEDERNA» completed line, which launched rozkyslenoho kipovanoho peat and substrates to 3; 3.5; 4; 4.5; cubic
- In 2006, mastered a new type of product - a mix roofing for growing mushrooms.
- In 2007, the company has chosen to upgrade equipment for processing and technical re-peat peat extraction processes. As a result:
-Line for kipuvannya modernized manufacturing peat substrates in professional packaging to 3000-4000 liters;
-Line screening for peat production was modernized under the roof mix for growing mushrooms;
-To increase the efficiency of extraction of peat replaced metaloyemni DT-75B for high-wheeled tractors MTZ 10-25 type of design of new work items.
To control the quality of products equipped with laboratory instrument German company «MOCHEREY-NAGEL» for testing peat substrate soil, which made it possible to improve the products quality indicators.
- In 2008, the modernized production line substrate for sowing and pikuvannya plant fraction 0-5 mm.
- In 2009 to expand production and marketing effectiveness company went through the establishment of subsidiaries and was the founder of the establishment of other firms that specialize in the production of a specific product.
Company will continue working to improve product quality, production modernization.